About Course
Python is a language that is very easy to learn even if you are a beginner and don’t have any programming background. It is well-worse with powerful libraries for machine learning, deep learning and AI which make it mode powerful.
All our videos are recordings of our live training. We have intentionally kept discussions with participants in the videos to give you a feeling of the live training session.
- Introduction to Python
- Installation Python
- Options for IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
- Installation of Anaconda Distribution and Jupyter Framework
- Basic Operations in Python
- Arithmetic Operations
- Variable Assignment
- String Operator
- Introduction to Lists
- Data types in Python
- Object, List, Array
- Concept of Looping
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Custom Function
- Define your own function
- Import Numpy Library
- Import Numpy Library
- Importance and use of Numpy Library
- Data Handling in Python (Using Pandas Library)
- Import Pandas Library
- Import from .txt, .csv, .xls, html file
- Working with Data Frame (Using Pandas Library)
- Subset of the Data
- Adding / Deleting columns or Rows of the data
- Numeric Filter, String Filter, Filter with Multiple Conditions
- Sorting of the Data
- String Operations (Upper Case, Lower Case, Title Case, Replace)
- Summarize data
- Find Descriptive Statistics using a single command
- Use of Group by function for Cross Tabulation
- Pivot Table in Python (Numpy and Pandas Libraries)
- Types of Data
- Qualitative Data (Nominal and Ordinal)
- Quantitative Data (Interval and Ratio)
- Descriptive Statistics
- Measurement of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
- Measurement of Spread (Range, Variance, Standard Deviation)
- Quartile, Frequency Table
- Data Visualization (Using Matplotlib Library)
- Bar chart, Histogram, Pie Chart, Box Plot, Scatter Plot
Course Content
Welcome to the Course
Welcome to the Course and Recourses!!!
Welcome note and Faculty Introduction
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